Unlocking the Wisdom of Tarot: Embrace the Power of the Commonplace Book



In the age of digital technology and ever-expanding information, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of knowledge we encounter daily. As seekers of wisdom and insight, we often yearn for a more profound connection to the knowledge we absorb. Enter the timeless art of keeping a commonplace book—a cherished practice that not only enriches our understanding of various subjects but also serves as a powerful tool for learning the ancient and mystical art of Tarot.

Defining the Commonplace Book

At its essence, a commonplace book is a personalized repository of knowledge and inspiration, a handwritten or digital collection of quotes, notes, insights, and reflections gathered from one's readings and experiences. Originating in the Renaissance era, this practice was embraced by scholars, thinkers, and creatives alike as a means of preserving and organizing their most treasured thoughts.

The Historical Journey of the Commonplace Book

Historically, commonplace books played a crucial role in preserving and transmitting knowledge. Thinkers such as Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Ralph Waldo Emerson kept these cherished tomes, immortalizing their profound musings and the wisdom of others within the pages. By curating a curated anthology of the mind, these visionaries cultivated a deeper understanding of the world and its mysteries.

Applying the Commonplace Book to Tarot

Now, let's explore how the practice of keeping a commonplace book can enhance our journey through the intricate realm of Tarot:

  1. Deepening Connection with Tarot Cards: As we embark on our Tarot exploration, a commonplace book offers a haven for recording our initial impressions, emotional responses, and insights while studying each card. By documenting our personal interpretations, we create a profound connection with the archetypes, fostering a more intuitive and meaningful relationship with Tarot.

  2. Organizing Tarot Knowledge: Tarot is a vast tapestry of symbols, meanings, and associations. A commonplace book allows us to gather key concepts, correspondences, and historical references in an organized manner. This curated collection becomes a valuable reference, helping us navigate the labyrinthine world of Tarot with greater clarity.

  3. Exploring Personal Tarot Spreads: In our journey through Tarot, we may stumble upon unique spreads or create our own personalized layouts. A commonplace book becomes a sacred space to document these spreads, recording our thoughts, feelings, and the wisdom gleaned from each reading. Over time, we create a valuable anthology of our spiritual growth and tarot insights.

  4. Unveiling Patterns and Connections: As we continuously record our Tarot experiences and reflections, patterns may emerge—connections between cards, recurring themes, or synchronicities that deepen our understanding of the Tarot's profound mysteries. The commonplace book becomes a powerful tool for recognizing the interwoven tapestry of Tarot's wisdom.


The art of keeping a commonplace book transcends time, becoming an invaluable ally on our journey through the enigmatic world of Tarot. By curating our own treasury of knowledge, we bridge the gap between the ancient wisdom of Tarot and our personal quest for self-discovery. As we write, reflect, and explore, our commonplace book becomes an ever-growing testament to the transformative power of Tarot, guiding us towards greater insight, enlightenment, and connection with the infinite universe of possibilities Tarot offers.

