Reaching out for Kind Support

 My difficult situation continues and I'm reaching out to you for help. Tomorrow, my rent is due and I'm short on funds. This month has been overwhelming with unexpected expenses, including necessary supplies for my cats and a medical bill for my senior cat, Monty. On top of that, I also have my own medical bills to contend with.

If you would like to assist me, there are a couple of ways you can do so. You can consider purchasing an item from my Etsy store. Your purchase would greatly support me during this challenging time. Alternatively, I offer tarot readings and would be grateful for any requests in that regard. You can use the form in the footer to do so, and make a donation via Paypal.

For direct donations, I have a PayPal account where any contribution, no matter how small, would be immensely appreciated. Every bit helps to alleviate the burden I currently face.

I want to express my sincere gratitude to each and every one of you for considering my plea. Your kindness and support mean the world to me.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

