Strengthening my Mystical Practice

 As someone who is deeply committed to their spiritual practice, I am constantly seeking ways to deepen my connection with the divine. Over the years, I have found that incorporating various mystical practices into my daily routine has helped me to cultivate a greater sense of awareness and connection with the divine. In this article, I will share with you some of the practices that I have found to be particularly helpful in strengthening my mystical practice.


Prayer has been a cornerstone of my mystical practice for as long as I can remember. For me, prayer is a way to communicate with the divine and to express my gratitude for all of the blessings in my life. I make a point to set aside time each day for prayer, whether it be in the morning or before bed. I find that the act of prayer helps to center me and bring me back to a place of peace and gratitude.


Fasting is another practice that I have found to be incredibly powerful in strengthening my mystical practice. By abstaining from food or certain types of food, I am able to clear my mind and focus my energies on my spiritual practice. Fasting has also helped me to cultivate a greater sense of discipline and self-control, which I believe are important qualities for anyone on a spiritual path.


Hesychasm is a practice that originated in the Eastern Orthodox tradition and involves focusing on the inner stillness of the soul. Through the use of breathing techniques and prayer, hesychasts seek to quiet the mind and connect with the divine. I have found that incorporating hesychasm into my own practice has helped me to cultivate a greater sense of inner peace and clarity.


Contemplation is a practice that involves reflecting on a particular idea or concept in order to gain a deeper understanding of it. For me, contemplation often involves reading spiritual texts and meditating on their meaning. By reflecting on these teachings, I am able to gain a greater sense of wisdom and insight that I can then apply to my daily life.


Journaling is a practice that I have found to be particularly helpful in processing my thoughts and emotions. By writing down my thoughts and feelings, I am able to gain greater clarity and insight into my own inner workings. Journaling has also helped me to keep track of my spiritual progress over time, which has been incredibly motivating.


Meditation is a practice that involves quieting the mind and focusing on the present moment. For me, meditation has been a powerful tool for cultivating a greater sense of inner peace and stillness. By practicing meditation regularly, I am able to quiet the constant chatter of my mind and connect with a deeper sense of awareness.


Finally, ritual is a practice that I have found to be incredibly meaningful in my mystical practice. Rituals can take many forms, from lighting candles to performing certain actions in a specific order. For me, rituals are a way to connect with the divine and to mark significant moments in my spiritual journey.

In conclusion, incorporating these mystical practices into my daily routine has been a powerful way to deepen my connection with the divine. While everyone's spiritual journey is unique, I believe that these practices have the potential to help anyone on a path of spiritual growth and self-discovery. By incorporating prayer, fasting, hesychasm, contemplation, journaling, meditation, and ritual into my daily routine, I have been able to cultivate a greater sense of inner peace, wisdom, and connection with the divine.

Art by Che

