Does Kindness Matter? A Gnostic Viewpoint


The concept of kindness is a central aspect of many spiritual and religious teachings. But from a Gnostic point of view, where the material world is often viewed as flawed or even evil, the role of kindness might seem less clear. So, does kindness matter in Gnosticism? The answer is yes, and in this article, we'll explore why.

To start, let's clarify what we mean by "kindness." Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate towards others. It involves empathy, compassion, and a willingness to help alleviate others' suffering. In Gnosticism, kindness can be seen as an expression of the divine spark within us, the part of us that longs for connection and unity with others and with the divine.

But why is kindness important in a worldview that often emphasizes the flaws of the material world? One reason is that kindness is a way to transcend those flaws. While Gnosticism may reject the material world as ultimately illusory or corrupted, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's meaningless. Rather, it suggests that the material world is a kind of prison or trap that can prevent us from realizing our true nature.

In this context, kindness can be seen as a way to break free from that trap. By showing compassion and empathy towards others, we can begin to see beyond the superficial distinctions that often separate us and connect with the divine spark within ourselves and others. In other words, kindness is a way to tap into the transcendent, even within the flawed material world.

Additionally, kindness can be seen as a way to resist the negative influences of the material world. Gnostics often view the material world as a place of suffering, ignorance, and oppression. But by embodying kindness, we can push back against those negative forces and create a space of compassion and generosity. We can also resist the temptation to become cynical or bitter, which can be all too easy in a world that often seems hostile or indifferent.

Finally, kindness can be seen as a way to fulfill the Gnostic aspiration towards gnosis, or spiritual knowledge. In Gnosticism, gnosis is often seen as a way to escape the material world and connect with the divine. But it's also seen as a way to transform the material world from within, to create a kind of spiritual alchemy that can transmute the base elements of the world into something more transcendent.

In this sense, kindness can be seen as a way to cultivate that spiritual alchemy. By embodying kindness, we can begin to transform the material world from within, to create a space of empathy and compassion that can serve as a seed for greater transformation. We can also begin to see the world in a new light, one that recognizes the divine spark within all things and seeks to connect with it.

In conclusion, kindness does matter in Gnosticism, precisely because of its transformative power. By embodying kindness, we can break free from the traps of the material world, resist negative influences, and connect with the divine spark within ourselves and others. We can also begin to fulfill the Gnostic aspiration towards gnosis, by transforming the material world from within. So, let us strive to be kind, in all our thoughts and actions, and in doing so, become a beacon of light in the darkness of the world.

